Portuguese Lentisca

Logging in with a total phenol content of 764.41ppm, our 2024 Lentisca is an absolute antioxidant powerhouse.

This rare harvest, Portugal variety is intensely pungent and displays unique confectionary characteristics which include a sweet, berry center with cinnamon spice notes, followed by a strong pepperiness.

Our partner producer (SAOV) in Portugal uses a high vacuum during malaxation (churning of the olives) to remove all of the oxygen during this processing stage where the oil spends the most time and is most prone to oxidation. This cutting edge and very technical method preserves the phenolic content, the overall chemistry, plus the flavor characteristics, all while reducing other oxidation markers.

*This EVOO is limited to one bottle per purchase.

Harvest Date: October 2024
Country of Origin: Portugal
Intensity: Robust
Fruitiness: 4.3    Bitterness: 4.2   Pungency:  4.8

Chemistry: Biophenols: 764.41ppm
DAGs: 96.10
Oleic Acid: 77.10
FFA: .16
Peroxide Value: 3.40

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Oliva! Lentisca Extra Virgin Olive Oil contains no additives, no chemicals, & no preservatives. All are from the most recent harvest.

Ingredients: 100%. Lentisca Olives from Portugal.

Chemistry Breakdown

Biophenols (Antioxidant like substances naturally occurring in EVOO) – There are typically more than 20 different biophenols present in an EVOO, Oleocanthal being the most well-known. Phenols extend shelf life and determine the ‘style’ of the oil in terms of bitterness and pungency. Generally, the higher the biophenols, the more ‘pepper’ and ‘bitterness’.

DAGS (Diacylglycerol) – Indicates the age of the olive oil and its projected shelf life. Fresh EVOO from a sound fruit should have a DAGs content of 85% of higher. The higher the score, the fresher the oil and the longer it will last. DAGs will drop 20-30% per year depending on storage conditions and FFA. They are highly influenced by heat, but not light.

FFA (Free Fatty Acid) – Indicates the condition of the fruit at the time of the crush. An oil must range from 0.0 – 0.8 (8%) to be considered Extra Virgin grade, the lower the better. Healthy fruit, processed immediately should produce an oil with a low FFA. In addition: the lower the FFA, the higher the smoke point.

Oleic Acid (Mono-Unsaturated Omega-9 Fat) – The higher the percentage, the better resistance to oxidation. Higher levels help keep it fresher for longer, preventing the formation of per-oxidized (rancid) fats.

PV (Peroxide Value) – Measurement of rancidity by exposure to oxidation, light and heat. The PV must be equal or less than 20 and is responsible for color and aroma changes as the oil oxidizes. A low PV is always desired.

Nutrition Info